Conference Bridge

Often times, as companies grow and expand, employees are spread out across a given area and it can be difficult to get everyone in the office for a conference meeting. This issue is eliminated with a conference bridge, which is essentially a virtual conference room with designated call-in numbers.

With DYL's business phone service software, you are able to loop up to 30 people into our conference bridge. This can be immensely beneficial for businesses both large and small so long as they have the need to hold conference meetings with people in different areas.

Before you sign up for our revolutionary software, let us fill you in on our conference bridge feature and how it can benefit your business.

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Conference Bridge Advantages

The advantages of having a conference bridge are obvious for large, national corporations, but this feature can also benefit smaller companies as well.

Depending on your industry, you might have a number of clients that are too far to travel to a conference meeting. With a conference bridge, you will be able to give these clients a special call-in number and they will be able to be tied in with ease.

Even small businesses can have employees spread out in different areas. Connecting your entire business team to go over business plans, new strategies, or quarterly reviews is important and can be done easily with the conference bridge feature included in our business phone service software. Better yet, the advantages of such are only enhanced when used alongside other features included in our software.

Additional DYL Features

While having the ability to loop up to 30 people into a conference call meeting can be beneficial, it is only improved when you use it alongside other features included in our software. Some of the most popular and useful of these features are detailed below:

  • Call Parking Lot: With our call parking feature, you are able to “park” a call in a virtual space. This is essentially putting someone on hold, however, anyone in the company is able to answer the call once it has been parked.
  • Call Recording: Another helpful feature is the ability to record a call. This can be beneficial if you have to go back and review a call to find information you may have missed initially. This can also serve as a sound training device.
  • Virtual Receptionist: A virtual receptionist will be able to greet callers and route calls to the correct employee or department with ease.

Try a Free Demo Today

If you believe your business could benefit from our conference bridge, or any of the other features included in our software, please try a free demo by clicking here.