Caller ID Routing

When your business receives a call, it is crucial to connect the caller with the appropriate party quickly. You want their experience with your business to be as positive as possible. Long hold times or being thrown from department to department can leave them with a bad opinion on your company. You need a phone system that makes it easy to receive incoming calls.

DYL provides businesses with phone systems that are closely integrated with valuable sales tools. Using our phone systems, your sales team spends more time speaking with leads and less time managing them. Our phones offer a lot of features that improve customer experience. Here is how Call ID Routing improves the effectiveness of your sales team.

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Incoming Call Distribution

When a customer calls into your business, effectively distributing the call will improve their experience. You can use the call routing feature to route calls to certain sales reps depending on many prerequisites. Calls can go to a certain sales rep based on skill, time of day, or even ring group. This will ensure that the caller reaches the person with the answers they want.

Routing based on time will make sure that a phone with somebody currently on your schedule is called. This will avoid customers from reaching empty desks. You can also route a call based on product. A salesperson that is focused on certain products can answer calls for people trying to find information on those products. A team can receive calls in sequential order if any one person is currently on a call.

Manage Calls Efficiently With DYL

As a business, you need the right tools to communicate with your customers. With DYL, you get a phone system that is equipped to improve your sales process. Our plans come packed with features that will always keep you in touch with your leads. If you'd like to request a demo, you can contact us here or give us a call at 855-357-9249!