Call Waiting Feature

When switching to a VoIP provider for your business phones, you should expect to have all the convenient features and more. While there are many new tools you have access to, there are many features phones have that are just as useful. One is the call waiting feature. No matter what position you have, you can benefit from hearing incoming calls.

DYL provides highly advanced phones to businesses to help them create better conversations with their customers. Our phones are closely integrated with sales tools to automate the sales process and improve lead acquisition. Your sales team can spend more time speaking with clients and less time managing their leads and scheduling follow-ups. Here is a look at how Call Waiting benefits your business.

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Benefits of Call Waiting

Call Waiting is an audio signal indicating that you have an incoming call when you are already on a call. You then have the ability to put your current caller on hold while you answer an incoming call. You can then switch back and forth as needed to keep the conversation going with both callers. However, there are other benefits to the tool.

As we mentioned above, our phones manage your leads so you can easily schedule follow ups. In the cases when a potential lead or current customer schedules a call, you have the ability to hear them when they try to contact you. If you are expecting them but are currently on a call, you can easily put them on hold and begin a new conversation.

Get Business Phones From DYL

If you want to improve your communication with leads, it's time to start using phones from DYL. Our phone systems improve your chances of converting leads into customers. Meanwhile, you'll be able to use all the familiar tools on your old traditional phone system. If you'd like to request a demo, you can contact us here or give us a call at 855-357-9249!