Call Routing Software

Phones play important roles in businesses. Communication within and outside of the office is crucial to success. Whether it is for speaking with other members of your team, or if it's to communicate with a client, phones are key. Call routing is a must have feature with a phone system because it allows you to seamlessly connect to the correct party. Having the right software in place will determine your success.

DYL is focused on providing the best communication solutions for your business. Our phones combine sales automation to allow businesses to effectively connect with their potential and existing customers. We understand the importance of getting in touch with your clients. With that said, here is how we improve communication with our call routing software.

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What Is Call Routing Software?

As businesses grow, they have more and more departments and people within the company. Keeping them all in order can easily become difficult. Call routing software allows you to easily direct calls to the appropriate party. This type of software is highly automated so you can easily program calls to fit your business needs.

There are different rules that your business can utilize to automate call routing. Routing calls could be time-based, skill-based, or distributed using round-robin. This will allow you to direct the calls in a way that is appropriate for your team and save on customer wait time. They will quickly get connected with the appropriate person.

Time-based routing will depend on what time the customer calls. Skills-based is great for businesses that offer different products and have certain salespeople who handle certain products. Round robins will distribute calls evenly among reps or in an amount that is right for your business. Often, it is normal to see more calls directed toward newer staff so they can receive extra training.

Make Call Routing Better

Our software offers excellent automation capabilities that save a lot of time on transferring calls. Running a streamlined call center makes sure callers don't have an overwhelming wait time to speak to a rep. This leads to less dropped calls and more potential sales. Meanwhile, sales reps can easily connect with callers or direct them as needed.

Our software also ties in our Lead & Contact Management service that gives your sales team much more control over every lead. Your business is fully equipped with lead scoring, lead nurturing, appointment reminders, and many other tools that will keep the conversation going. It is important to handle calls effectively, and we do it in a way that boosts your sales.

Automate Calls With DYL!

If you'd like to start getting more success out of your phones, DYL offers the best tools to streamline sales and calls. Our software is focused on giving you the proper communication with potential and existing clients. We provide ease with our phones, so you spend less time on the phone with us, and more time on the phone with leads. Your business can start taking advantage of our tools today! You can request a demo of our phones by clicking here or give us a call at 855.357.9249!